Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Newest Exhibition: REPURPOSED

Artist Statement:

My mission as an artist is to take what is inward and reflect it outward into something that is seen. Sometimes I don’t have the words to say how I feel and I have found my shortcomings can be communicated through sculpting. It is in this, that I have found an outlet to express things that are painful, hard to share or even just private. I have never been good at letting others into my mind and this is a way to show people a glimpse of my thoughts while maintaining a safe distance. 

Often times I will opt to work conceptually or in an abstract manner to keep people from knowing exactly what the idea was behind the piece. Yet this varies from time to time, as I will sometimes have an exact purpose and message I want to convey to the directed audience.

Expressing myself through my art is a type of therapy for myself and I want to share it with others. My art is for myself but I just may be able to impact someone else and speak truth into their life.  

Exhibition Statement:

This exhibition centers around the theme of transformation through the direction of a new purpose. All the objects and pieces in my work were all found objects I acquired from scrap metal bins. I took all my new found treasures with me to my dad’s shop and laid out all of the pieces. It was here I began to design and see these pieces come to life. I built them up and held them together by welding, bolting and gluing.

But this project was not just about creating quirky sculptures. The beauty behind my method was to take something that is seen as junk and repurpose it by giving it a place of honor. This task reflects my view of what God did with me and has done for many others. He takes me as I am and sees my potential. He then gives me a new purpose and sees what no one else saw in me. I am given a place of honor. This is not because of anything I have done or ever could do but it is simply because He loves me.

This is the purpose of my show. This is the reflection of God’s work within me. 

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